Sylvan Hills United Methodist Church
All Are Welcome Here
Located in Sherwood, Arkansas, Sylvan Hills UMC is a vibrant and active community of faith, that prioritizes sharing Christ's love with one another, our community and throughout the world.
PHONE: 501-835-3410
ADDRESS: 9921 Hwy 107 in Sherwood, Arkansas
WORSHIP: 10:00 a.m. on Sunday Mornings
Each week you will find all kinds of people and ministries taking place at Sylvan Hills United Methodist Church. Whether it is powerful and relevant worship on Sunday mornings, the laughter of our kids at our Early Learning Center, or a hard working crew at our community garden, there is never a shortage of opportunities to experience God's grace and joy.
A Note from Our pastor
You are welcome here! When you walk through the door, our prayer is that you feel the love of Christ and the love of the people of the church. Sylvan Hills UMC is a place to live out your faith. We gather to worship and to hear the Word, then we go out into the world to live our faith in our everyday lives. Our prayer is that you would find Slyvan Hills to be a place of refuge and reinvigoration. You have a place here, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey. Let’s walk that spiritual journey together!
Rev. Claire Newbill